Earth Manipulated 2003, 1m x 8m
Technique: Hand-dyed and cut by hand, Material: Swedish ox hideMore
Concept of the work          
EARTH manipulated is a story about the genetically engineered cow. How long can the back be?
What can we accept when genetically manipulating animals to streamline meat production?
I have cut and manipulated this ox hide which was 1.75 m when I started, but now the hide
through manipulation become 8 m. How long can a cow be? What will we allow?

Detail, Earth Manipulated 2003, 1m x 8m
Technique: Hand-dyed and cut by hand, Material: Swedish ox hide

Detail, Earth Manipulated 2003, 1m x 8m
Technique: Hand-dyed and cut by hand, Material: Swedish ox hide

Mutated Life 2004, Diameter 3m
Technique: Hand-dyed and cut by hand, Material: Swedish ox hide

Detal, Mutated Life 2004, Diameter 3m
Technique: Hand-dyed and cut by hand, Material: Swedish ox hide

Circles 2003, 2 parts, diameter 1m
Technique: Hand-dyed and cut by hand, Materials: Ox hide

About the artist